Bulk actions within Circle allow you to take common actions on up to 1,000 rows of data with a few clicks. Easily add or remove members from spaces, add member tags, create topics, send direct messages, and remove members from your community with Circle's EasyCSV integration.

Keep in mind, you can only import 1,000 rows at a time. Before you can utilize EasyCSV, you will need to set up an API key within Circle. Click on ‘Settings’ and head to ‘API’ under your Account settings. Name your API token as ‘EasyCSV’ and click ‘Create.’

To bulk send direct messages: copy your API token and head to easycsv.io/circle/messages. Upload your CSV, set the email address of where you would like to receive notifications regarding your import. Select the correct community, if you are an admin in more than one, and click test/validate. If all looks well, click 'import'. Your direct messages have been sent! With direct messages, make sure you don’t have commas in the body of your text.

To bulk create topics: copy your API token and head to easycsv.io/circle/topics. Upload your CSV, and select the Space you want to upload the topics to. Test/validate, and then import. You should have your topics uploaded into your selected Space. Unlike with bulk messages, you can use commas in the body of your topics.

To bulk add and remove member tags: head to easycsv.io/circle/membertags. Upload a CSV with member_email and the tags, separated by commas, that you want to add to or remove from members.

To bulk add or remove members from Spaces, head to: easy.csv.io/circle/spacegroupmembers. Upload a CSV with the member_email column. Then select the Spaces you want to add to or remove from.

Lastly, to bulk remove members from your community, head to easycsv.io/circle/removemembers and upload a CSV with the member_email column.


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