The easiest way to create automated email campaigns integrated to your existing tools is probably Zapier, but a big problem with Zapier is that you don't get analytics for the emails you're sending. In this short post we'll show you how to integrate Zapier to Palabra and get read and click rates with just a couple of clicks.
Zapier and mail analytics
Zapier is a really easy and fairly cheap tool (at least at first) to automate workflows. You can automate simple tasks to start growing your subscriber list, activate them to buy your product, follow up with them to retain them.
To send emails via Zapier you can connect almost any tool you're using to get emails to Gmail. You can choose data fields to be filled automatically and set up a plain or HTML formatted email.
But there's a huge downside to using Zapier + Gmail: you don't know if people read or clicked on your emails. This may not seem important at first, but with no analytics you're missing a really important part of email marketing, which is learning from your own campaigns.
To get analytics in just a few minutes, you can connect Zapier with Palabra. Using Zapier + Palabra you can turn almost every piece of information to a valuable email to your users. Here's how to do that:
Step 1: Create a new Zapier trigger in Palabra
The first step is to go to your Palabra dashboard and add a new trigger. In the "When" column, select our Zapier integration ("A trigger came from Zapier").

Step 2: Connect Palabra to your Zapier account
Once the condition is created, click on the trigger card to complete your Zapier integration. Here you'll find instructions to connect Palabra to Zapier:

When you click on "Go to Zapier" you will see this screen. Accept the invitation to access Palabra from your Zapier account.

Step 3: Build your Zap
You can connect any tool you want to trigger an automated email. For this post, I created a Zap that triggers when someone submits a form in Squarespace.

After the "When this happens" is done, click on the "+" at the end to set your Palabra conection. Look for Palabra on the list of tools to add.
Once you connect your Palabra account, you will have to look for the trigger you created in Step 1 (the default name of the Zapier triggers is "A trigger came from Zapier". You can rename that trigger in your Palabra account by clicking on the trigger card and then refreshing the field from Zapier.
Then select what data will be sent to palabra as the "email" field. Remember this field will be the recipient of your automated emails.

Add the first/last name or any other data that you may want to include in your Palabra emails. Then send test data to Palabra and finish your Zap!
Make sure to turn on your Zap so your automations start working.
After creating the Zap you should see this in your trigger card in Palabra:

Step 4: Write your email (or select a template)
From the "Tasks" column, select any template you like or start from an empty email.

You can edit the contents of the email by clicking on the card. It will save automatically.

Step 5: Start sending some emails 🚀
Now all you have to do is click on "Start actions" and sit back. Any trigger you integrated with Zapier will automatically send an email to Palabra.
If you want to stop this automatic email you can pause them at any time by clicking the "Pause actions" button on the top right.
You'll be able to see how many people received these emails from this same page on the "Recieved" column.

Final thoughts
Automation tools like Zapier are crucial to marketers and founders with no technical background to be able to save time and build scalable workflows. But when we use third-party tools, we often miss important information that helps us grow our business.
In email marketing campaigns, analytics is a key part of the strategy. Small changes to a few emails can drive up your conversion or retention rates. Whichever tool you are using to connect to your contacts, make sure you are always available to keep improving your emails and get your message across!