In this tutorial you will gather leads with Typeform, create a branded email in Google Docs and send a personalize download link email to leads using Google Sheets and YAMM.

What you'll need

  • Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM)
  • Typeform
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Docs

Estimated time to complete

  • 10 mins

Create a Typeform that collects First Name, Last Name, and an Email Address. Connect it to Google Sheets. Change A1 to First Name.

Install Yet Another Mail Marge from the Gsuite marketplace or via their website. Once installed, click on Add-on and select Yet Another Mail Merge and select Start Mail Merge. From here you can use a template from YAMM or create your own in Google Docs.

If you create your own in Google Docs then keep in mind that newsletters are built with tables. In other words, tables = containers. If you want to personalize the email, use {{First Name}} where appropriate. Once you are done, paste the contents of the Google Doc into the body of a blank email. Insert a subject line and star the Draft. Head back into your Google Sheet, and hit the refresh symbol next to Email Template. Choose the starred draft from the drop down. Send an email.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial preview, if you have any questions please reach out on Twitter @amiedelisa or @makerpad.

For access to this full tutorial please head over to

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