This tutorial will show you how to set up separate paths and outcomes depending on a user input (without having to make several Zaps in Zapier.)
The example I run through is a Social Media Ads company offering 3 tiers. The higher the tier, the higher the priority to get on a call to close the prospect. I build different workflows for each tier involving automatic Slack messages, email forwarding and SMS notifications.
Firstly set up a simple page on Carrd to allow potential customers to enquire. I won't go into detail here because the integrations are what we are focusing on.

Here the form element is Custom and links to Zapier. Carrd gives instructions on how to set up your Action in Zapier - Webhook.

Here is the Zapier set up for the webhook:

Back to Carrd. In the form, one of the elements I've added a dropdown where you can put custom options. As shown in the screenshot.

This is how the site will work for a user:

Simply enter Name, email, phone number and select budget.

Now we want to segment these prospect based on the budget they have. The higher the budget, the shorter we want the time to contact them to talk about working together.
Add a helper step as your action - Path.

We are going to have 3 different paths (one for each budget). In the Path rules we are going to have the rules for A to trigger when Budget exactly matches what we have in the dropdown "Up to $10,000"

When that triggers, we want to send a Slack message.

This will now send a Direct Message in Slack to a specific user. In the message text you can add text and add the text from the data within the message, as shown below. The message will be posted like this:
Look alive! "Users Name" is looking for Social Media Ads Management with a budget of "Budget value". Contact "Their email" to get more details.

Now on to Path B. This will trigger when the dropdown value Budget is "$10,000 to $30,000"

I've added a Slack message the same as Path A, but also we want another alert. This time, an email sent to an assistant to get a call added to the calendar.

In this email, we can add To, Subject and body fields. The body will include the Slack message from the previous action and also a link to the Thread in Slack.

Adding a third path, Path C. This will trigger when the Budget equals "$30,000 plus"

This time the budget is very big so we want a SMS alert immediately.

Here we send a text which pulls in the relevant data and the phone number.

The results
When Julie enters her details for the up to $10,000 budget (using my email as an example), a Slack message gets sent with the details.

When Tim enters his details for the $10,000 to $30,000 budget (using my email as an example), a Slack message gets sent with the details PLUS an email gets sent to an assistant to follow up and arrange a call.

Ben enquired about the $30,000 budget so it's a top priority to get on a call to close this deal. A SMS gets sent immediately with the details and phone number (currently blurred out) which you can tap to call the prospect straight away.