Start by creating an account on Glide

Gathering Data for the App
Sign up on Google sheets using your Google account if you don’t have an account with them before and create a new blank Spreadsheet in Google Sheets.

When the new spreadsheet has been created, proceed by creating new columns which will contain the attendee names, checked-in status (as False), attendee photo, and job/bio descriptions as the header.

Enter the attendee names, photo, bio and check-in status of each attendee in rows format under the column created above, set checked-in status as ‘False’ due to the switch component we will be using to toggle the status from ‘False’ to ‘True’.

Customizing the App Layout
Create a new app in, select the spreadsheet file containing the data of your attendees you created above and wait as Glide build up the app for you which can be customized using the processes below.

The app layout was automatically build up to list view as shown above. When each attendee is clicked, it will show additional information like the photo, check-in status and the bio.

Now, add switch component to allow user to toggle the check-in status of each attendee then, add note component to display attendee bio in a more pretty way.

Boom! you are good to go. If the switch is toggled on, the check-in status will return ‘True’ in the Google Sheets which checked symbol / emoji.

Deploying the App
The app can be deployed as a Progressive Web App (PWAs) by creating a memorable short link like <yourappname.glideapp.io> within the app url input field by clicking the settings bar and then, add the app to your favourite smartphone home screen. Enjoy!