If you're not yet familiar with Circle, start here. In this tutorial we explore all the settings and functionalities Circle offers for you to launch your corner of the internet.

In the General tab, you can;

  • Set up the name of your community
  • Make your community public or private
  • Set your brand color, upload a logo and an icon
  • Set a reply-to email
  • Enable a community switcher
  • Allow access to the Circle iOS app
  • Set the default pages for first-time members logging in, existing members logging in, and the default page for logged-out visitors (if your community is public)

For your logo, the recommended size is 200 x 50. For your icon, the recommended size is 32 x 32.

On the Onboard tab, you can customize invitations to your community and set up onboarding pop-ups or emails for members after they sign up.

If you’re using a custom domain, you will need to add a CNAME recording pointing your custom domain to your circle domain set in the General tab. Then, add your custom domain to the Custom Domain tab.

The Code Snippet tab allows you to further customize your Circle community using HTML/CSS and Javascript.

Member tags allow you to set labels for different members. For example, in the Makerpad community, if you are a PRO member, you will have a PRO Member tag by your name. You can set the icon, color, and visibility of this tag, however, at this time, this label is visible to the entire community. In other words, you cannot set tag visibility by role such as Admin.

Under Weekly Digest, you can enable an email with the week’s popular topics and comments for members. These are personalized to the members based on the spaces they are members of. By default, this is turned off.


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