This is the final step in setting up an automated weekly newsletter using tweets and Mailchimp. We guide you through reviewing your newsletter in Mailchimp and adding in extras, plus you'll learn about the many options to set up to send your newsletter to your audience via Zapier or directly in Mailchimp.
Find your email within the 'All campaigns' area of Mailchimp. Go into the campaign editor to review how your campaign looks after having made edits in Zapier. It will appear as code, but this shouldn't be an issue since there are only a couple things copy-wise you might want to edit.
Scroll just over halfway down the page of code until you find the tweet you want to edit, then make any copy changes without touching the code (unless you're comfortable with HTML).
Once you're happy with the email, click Save and you can then schedule the campaign just as you would normally in Mailchimp.