In this tutorial, we will show you how to re-fill cancelled appointments using Squarespace, Aquity and Twilio.

Within your Squarespace site, on the page you want to insert your Acuity calendar and form, click to insert the Appointment Schedule element. Then hop into your Acuity account and from the Scheduling Page Link page copy the url under the header ‘General Scheduling Page’ and paste it into the pop-up box in Squarespace.

Then, click to insert a Form element delete all the form fields except Name and then add a ‘Phone’ field. For the ‘Phone’ field make sure the radio buttons for ‘Country Code’ and ‘Required’ are selected. Within this pop-up, click over to Storage and connect your Google Drive. Whatever you insert here will be the title of your Google Sheet. Note: you cannot connect your form to a pre-existing sheet.

From your Google Drive, open the sheet you’ve created from the Squarespace Form (look for the sheet that matches the text you inserted when connecting your Google Drive to your form). Re-name the first tab within the Worksheet ‘Squarespace Form’. Keep the pre-existing column headers and add three more column headers: Appointment Date, Appointment Time, and Send Text. Now, create a second tab named ‘Acuity Cancellations’ and add the following column headers: Date, Time, and Service. NOTE: if you do not want to require country code you can create a new column with a formula – reach out for more info on this.

In Zapier, create two Zaps. The first one is between Acuity and Google Sheets. Select Acuity and set the trigger event to ‘Appointments Canceled.’ Then proceed to connect your Acuity calendar and corresponding appointment type. Note: you can only connect one appointment type per zapso if you have multiple appointment types you will need multiple zaps. Then connect Google Sheets. The action event will be ‘Create Spreadsheet Row.’ Once you’ve connected Google Sheets, you will select the Spreadsheet (in this case ‘Cancellation List’) and select the ‘Acuity Cancellation worksheet. Then, map Date to Date of Appointment, Time to Time of Appointment, and Service to Appointment Type. Turn on your zap.

The second zap will be between Google Sheets and Twilio. Select Google Sheets. Your Trigger Event will be ‘New or Updated Spreadsheet Row.’ Connect your Google Sheet account. Then, select the Spreadsheet (in this case ‘Cancellation List’), the Worksheet linked to your Squarespace form (in this case ‘Squarespace Form’) and the Trigger Event as ‘Send Text’ (or whatever you named this column). Add Twilio, and the Action Event will be ‘Send SMS’. Connect your Twilio account, select your Twilio number, link the To Number to the Phone Number field in your ‘Squarespace Form’ worksheet.

Write the text message you want to send and include your Acuity scheduling link. Turn on your Zap. When someone cancels an appointment on your calendar, it will show up on the ‘Acuity Cancellations’ worksheet. If you have any submissions to be notified of cancellations within your ‘Squarespace Form’ worksheet, you can copy and paste the Date and Time from the ‘Acuity Cancellations’ worksheet into the Appointment Date and Appointment Time column in your ‘Squarespace Form’ worksheet, and when you are ready to send a text insert an ‘x’ in the Send Text column and hit return.

Note: I recommend making a note above your Form within your site letting your customers know what to expect. For example, “If you want to be notified of cancellations this week, fill out your info here.” Then, clear your ‘Squarespace Form’ sheet at the beginning of each week.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, if you have any questions please reach out on Twitter @AmieDelisa or @makerpad.

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