This tutorial will show you how to scrape the data from a LinkedIn company page and input the data as a new record into Webflow. To build this we are going to connect Phantombuster, Google Sheets, Zapier and Webflow.

What you'll need for this tutorial.

  1. Phantombuster.
  2. Zapier
  3. Zapier Push Chrome Extension (optional)
  4. Google Sheets
  5. Webflow
  6. LinkedIn Session Cookie (id_at)

First of all we're going to want to create a new Google sheet and give it a title and a sheet name. Then set the header in a the A1 cell as Company URL. Then add another sheet / tab and call it Company Data. Add in some column headers that will match with the data we want. Company Name, Logo, Description etc. We'll need this later.

Next up, go to Phantombuster and navigate to the API store. Scroll down until you find the LinkedIn Companies Info API. Click it then select 'Use this API'.

Now you'll want to click the menu on the API record and go to API Configuration.

First we want to find and add in a LinkedIn session cookie which can be found by opening LinkedIn, opening the console with Shift, Command + C or right clicking then Inspect. Click the Application tab, select cookies from the menu on the left and scroll down to find the 'li_at' record. Once found copy that value into the Session Cookie box back in your Phantombuster API Config window.

If you want the API to run on it's own change the settings through the settings button. Now head over the console and press Launch. If all is connected correctly, we should end up with some data displayed below with a CSV and JSON output URLs.

We're now ready to do something with the new data we have.

'Head back to Zapier and create a new Zap. We're going to want to create a Webhook that looks at the URL containing the data we have and check for any new entries. Select Retrieve Poll' as your Trigger. Paste the URL we have from Phantombuster into the URL field then hit Continue.

Press test and if all has gone well you should see some LinkedIn Company Data in the Google Sheet.

We're now ready to do something with the new data we have.

'Head back to Zapier and create a new Zap. We're going to want to create a Webhook that looks at the URL containing the data we have and check for any new entries. Select Retrieve Poll' as your Trigger. Paste the URL we have from Phantombuster into the URL field then hit Continue.

Press test and if all has gone well you should see some LinkedIn Company Data in the Google Sheet.

For the last step we're going to create a Zap that will automate the first part of this tutorial which is the copy and paste of the URL. Head to Zapier, make a Zap with Push by Zapier as the trigger. Install the chrome extension and make it visible on your extension bar (Google Chrome -

Head back to the Zap and press Pull In Samples. Find a new company page on LinkedIn and press the Push chrome extension. You should see the new Push. Click it and if it goes green we're good to go.

Press continue then go back to Zapier. Add a Google Sheet as the next step with Create A New Spreadsheet Row. Map the fields so that the URL is passed from the Push into the Google Sheet in the appropriate column.

You're done. Congratulations, now anytime you want to add company data from a LinkedIn company page just one click the Push button and the rest will happen automatically.

Hopefully your enjoyed this tutorial, if you have any questions please send me a message in the Makerpad Slack @tomosman


Made in Webflow