Melissa Buening has been working with startups at various stages on growth marketing and sales initiatives and bringing products to market for over 10 years. Along the way, she was referred to as a "unicorn" by many of the founders she worked with because she implemented innovative strategies and technologies to help them grow at a fraction of the price and time that a big agency would need, which led her to launching her agency, Rainbows and Unicorns Agency. She has started 3 fully-automated print-on-demand ecommerce companies: Dazzley, The Minnesota Nice Company, and Pluzzled. She also started Ecommerce Movers and Shakers, which provides a database of over 500 ecommerce tools and helpful articles for ecommerce entrepreneurs.

Melissa will go over content marketing production automations she created in Trello using Butler, how she uses multiple print-on-demand vendors including via Glamour, Printful, teelaunch, Printify, and Gooten to fully-automate product fulfillment for her 3 ecommerce companies on Shopify, and how she automated the process of distributing content to speaking leads and following up with them using Cognito Forms, Zapier, Mailchimp, and HubSpot CRM.


This event took place on 17 December 2020


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