In this Makerpad workshop, we'll show you behind the scenes of Makerpad!

We'll walk you through:

  • The Makerpad Pro Membership
  • Tutorials
  • Deals
  • Profiles
  • Expert Network
  • Makerpad for Startups
  • Makerpad for Funds
  • Makerpad Spotlight
  • Expert Network
  • Everything coming up soon...

If you are on the fence about joining Makerpad as an individual, business, startup or other then this is going to be for you.

To start with we'll run through everything we offer at Makerpad followed by a Q&A.

If you have any questions in advance please reach out to Ben or Tom on Twitter @bentossell / @tomosman or inside of the Makerpad Slack Channel for PRO members.

See you soon.


This event took place on 23 January 2020


What's your story? Β Tell us how you use no-code
Something wrong?